Building Moats
Promeet Mansata Promeet Mansata

Building Moats

The concept of moats of course has been repurposed by the business world and we often hear about companies that have moats/advantages. Lots of companies have great moats that allow them to stave off competitors (the enemy) from encroaching on their market. This leads to (in most cases) superior economics and other companies can’t really attack back easily. To wit, they die trying to cross the moat.

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The art of reading
Promeet Mansata Promeet Mansata

The art of reading

Have you ever been overwhelmed with how much there is to read? If you are a voracious reader like me, you’ve probably struggled with how best to optimize your reading. Reading well like anything else requires thought. Most people, I find, don’t themselves grok why they are reading something. In this quick note I try to frame a thought process around reading. If you are reading this to figure out what specifically (article, website, book etc) you should read this article is not for you. This note however will help you adopt a thought process around HOW to consume written media without any emphasis on other forms of media (podcasts, tv shows, Netflix).

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