Future-proofing yourself
A look at how we can future-proof ourselves and create a personal monopoly

The link between meetings and burnout
A look at how meetings burn us out and cause serious job dissatisfaction and burnout!

A balanced professional life
Creating a balanced professional life with work-hobbies is key for performance at ones job

Amazon's fourth unlock
A look at Amazon’s Roomba acquisition and why the “data” angle is misguided/incorrect.

Optimizing for your Superpowers
Optimizing for your superpowers often requires stepping back and thinking about what does and does not energize you and how you should apply this to the place you currently work at.

Create Value, Make Noise
A look a boastfulness in the workplace and how to think about different types of workers.

Unbundling the Office
A look at the jobs-to-be-done for an office and why/how the office as we know it will cease to exist in the future but will nevertheless continue to exist

Time-to-decison bias in companies
How companies fall into the time-to-decision bias and end up spending the same amount of time on important decisions as they do on trivial decisions

Tech Layoff's and company shortsightedness
The recent tech worker layoffs are overhyped by mainstream media A look at the reasons why tech companies should try not to pay attention to the news cycles

Cognitive dissonance between gratitude and dissatisfaction
The cognitive dissonance between gratitude and dissatisfaction. A look at how both these are at odds with each other and how that can impact you

Two way doors in personal decision making
A look at personal decision-making and if personal decisions change the entire trajectory of your life. For individuals, most decisions are one-way doors even if it does not seem that way.

Bosses, Managers, and Leaders
A look at the stark differences between bosses, managers, and leaders.

The pursuit of busyness
What if I told you that you can earn and spend $44640 dollars a month? You’d probably think of a million ways to spend that money right? Buy a few houses (well, one in the Bay Area), rent them out, invest the money and set yourself for a pleasant future a couple of decades out.
What if I now changed the rules and said you could earn the same amount of money but have to spend it all in the same month. You can’t invest it, you can't buy a house, you have to consume it. On the last day of each month, your balance will reset to zero and then go back to $46440.

Running makes you better, in every way
There is a lot written about running; this is my take on why running makes you a better person, more able to deal with anything life throws at you!